"Wildlife in Forest Lawn" Utility Box
Participants of a public engagement suggested specific animals they had seen in their urban neighbourhood of Forest Lawn. This utility box art at Memorial Dr. and 36 St. SE evolved into a composition of more than 36 animals within a local landscape.

"Field of Sport" Utility Box
This utility box at 52 St. and 14 Ave. SE is inspired by the nearby recreational areas and sport fields. The painting style of the sporting figures surrounding the box is loose and dynamic to express the action and power of sport.

Eye to Eye
Public Art at the Sheldon Chumir Health Centre
This City of Calgary public art project was intended to create understanding between the people outside of the Chumir and the people inside the Chumir, so they can see "Eye to Eye". This was accomplished by setting up an art studio in the lobby and drawing portraits of clients, staff, or anyone involved with the Sheldon Chumir Health Centre.
By drawing only the eyes people were able to remain anonymous, but mostly, the eyes are the windows to the soul. After the portraits were completed, the people I drew were asked to add something, becoming part of the making of the art.
City of Calgary Utility Boxes
This project was lead by Alberta Printmakers and Eveline Kolijn. 12 printmakers combined their talents to create relief prints and silkscreens that adorn the utility boxes along 5th and 6th Avenues between 4th Street and 10th Street downtown Calgary.

Print(ed) Word
This project was a collaboration of 12 authors and 12 printmakers. The goal was to have art and literature meet to create inspired relationships. This collection of artist’s books is a permanent exhibit at the Calgary Central Library. My authur partner was Susan Calder and I interpeted her book entitled "When a Warm Wind Blows off the Mountains"

Exhibit in Simmons-Harvie Community Living Room

Alcove with my artist's book

When a Warm Wind Blows off the Mountains – Artist's Book
Etchings in my artist's book (5 of 9)

17th Avenue BRT Stations
This City of Calgary project was a Call to Artist's with a theme of international food.

Changing Perceptions
Vivid Mural 2022 at AUArts
The theme provided for this call to AUArts alumni
artists was "Changing Perceptions". The theme is realized through optical illusions, patterns and
the intense stare of a pair of eyes. As people pass by and look into the mural, the eyes look back
out of the mural at the viewer; changing perceptions.